
Abu Dabbab Bay

Al Bahr al Ahmar / Marsa Alam  >  Egypt

Being located in the Hilton Marsa Alam Nubian Resort, you'll have a great opportunity to find good coastal species and migrants here.

Ajouté* par Piet Grasmaijer
Dernière actualisation 30 janvier 2023


The area around Abu Dabbab Bay is part of the Egyptian desert, bordering the coast of the Red Sea. There are two hotels here: the Hilton Marsa Alam Nubian Resort and the Malikia Resort Abu Dabab. The hotel gardens are great for migrants during both spring and autumn migrations and the garden can be full of surprises. Anything can appear here, such as Agrobate roux, Gobemouche gris and Pouillot véloce. Common (local) species that occur here are Tourterelle maillée, Pigeon biset, Corbeau brun and Huppe fasciée. Balbuzard pêcheur has been breeding here for years in a telephone mast on the Hilton property.

The coastline is great for waders. Gravelot de Leschenault can be spotted near the shoreline. Other common species are Échasse blanche, Bécasseau sanderling and Tournepierre à collier. Aigrette des récifs often forages near the shoreline for fish. Martin-pêcheur d'Europe often sits on the rocks, just like Traquet isabelle.



This area can be accessed from the Al Qusair - Marsa Alam Road (nr.65) in several places. The hotel gardens are only accessible when staying at the hotel.

Terrain et Habitat

Plaine , Désert , Plage , Mer/océan


Vallonné , Sablonneux , Rocailleux , Poussiéreux , Pas d'ombre



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Toute l'année

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Migration automnale , Migration printanière


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A pied , Bateau

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