

Stevns  >  Denmark

A very good area for watching raptors on autumn migration with excellent views out over the sea towards Falsterbo from the cliff near the nature centre.

Ajouté* par Lars Juul
Dernière actualisation 16 décembre 2020


Mandehoved is a very good site in Denmark for watching raptors on autumn migration. Patches of woodland and hedgerows here attract passerines. There are excellent views out over the sea towards Falsterbo from the cliff near the nature centre. Stevns Klint serves not only as a maritime landmark, but also as a navigation point for a large number of migratory birds. While the birdlife is particularly special in spring and autumn, there are good opportunities for bird watching all year round at Mandehoved and Stevns Lighthouse Centre.

Stevns Klint is only 25 km from Falsterbo at the southermost point of Sweden, where autumn migration is impressive. Many of the migrating birds find their way to the Danish coast at Madehoved, which makes it a hotspot for watching autumn migration. Raptor migration is especially thrilling and a large number of birds are seen. Bondrée apivore, Buse variable and Épervier d'Europe can appear in large numbers. Fair numbers of Milan royal, Busard des roseaux, Busard Saint-Martin, Buse pattue, Balbuzard pêcheur, Faucon crécerelle and Faucon émerillon are spotted. Species that turn up each year, but only in small numbers, are Milan noir, Pygargue à queue blanche, Busard pâle, Busard cendré, Autour des palombes and Faucon hobereau. A pair of Faucon pèlerin breeds in the area, but the species is also seen on migration.



The area can be accessed by several minor roads leading east off routes 261 or 154 or the town of Store Heddinge. Click on the P in the map to get directions to the parking place at Mandehoven.

Terrain et Habitat

Canyon/falaise , Plage , Mer/océan


Paysage ouvert



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Migration automnale


Route pavée , Sentier large

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A pied , Voiture

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