
Aggol Lake

Central Azerbaijan  >  Azerbaijan

This national park in western-central Azerbaijan, comprises a vast lake surrounded by steppe and semi-desert. It includes Ramsar List of the Convention.

Ajouté* par Aytan Isayeva
Dernière actualisation 27 décembre 2022


Aggol Lake national park in western-central Azerbaijan, near the town of Agjabadi, comprises a vast lake surrounded by steppe and semi-desert. The lake formed as a result of flooding of the Kura and Araz, Azerbaijan’s two major rivers, and is a haven for birds all year round. Home to over 140 bird species, the park’s global significance is highlighted by its inclusion on the Ramsar List of the Convention on Wetlands of International Importance in 2001. The name Aggol, which means “White Lake” in Azerbaijani, comes from the white plumage of birds found all along the shoreline. Besides birds, there are gazelles, wolves, reed cats, foxes, wild boar, snakes, turtles and various other interesting animals.

Aggol is a little far from main attractions, however about 50km north of nearby Agjabadi town is the small city of Barda, famous as the former capital of the ancient state of Caucasian Albania. Located on the Terter river, Barda today is a much quieter place but you can visit several historical attractions, including the elegant Juma Mosque, 19th-century Imamzadeh religious complex and the ornately tiled Barda Mausoleum built in 1322.

Target species in winter: Talève sultane, Érismature à tête blanche, Vanneau à queue blanche and Pluvier doré. In summer: Sarcelle marbrée, Fuligule nyroca and Busard pâle. Best time to visit: Late autumn to late spring.



The National Park is located a few km from the road from Agjabadi to Beylagan. The entrance is located 22 km from the center of Agjabadi District. To get to the lake, after passing the entrance of Garadolag village on the Mingachevir-Bahramtepe (R18) highway (in the direction of Bahramtepe) for 1.6 km, it is necessary to go 7 km to the left by road. A signboard has been placed on the main highway at the point of the turnoff to the National Park. Visitors can join a walking tour to explore the area.

Terrain et Habitat

Ville/village , Rivière , Prairie , Arbres et buissons disséminés , Steppe , Lac , Zone humide , Roselière


Marécageux , Paysage ouvert



Avez-vous besoin d'une longue-vue?

Peut être utile

Saison idéale pour observer

Printemps , Automne

Meilleure période pour une visite

Automne , Printemps


Route non pavée , Sentier étroit

Niveau de difficulté de l'itinéraire

Durée de la marche

Accessible via

A pied , Voiture

Observatoire/hutte d'observation


Informations supplémentaires

Aggol is located below sea level. It was formed mainly as a result of regular floods of the Kura and Araz rivers. The territory of the National Park includes dry semi-desert and wetland ecosystems. White Lake is one of the most important places for nesting and wintering of waterfowl.


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