
Watcombe - Maidencombe - Watcombe

Devon  >  United Kingdom

Just North of the twin towns of Torquay and Paignton in South Devon.

Añadido* por Baz Willmott
Última actualización 25 septiembre 2024


With Torquay and Paignton being the busiest coastal summer holiday destination in Devon, a visit early morning or outside the holiday season may be best, there is a choice of two car park starting points.

(*1), press STAR on map. In Watcombe from the car park (free - at time of writing), head into the woodland in The Valley of Rocks (not to be confused with The Valley of Rocks in North Devon), look for Reyezuelo Listado (very common here), Herrerillo Común, Carbonero Común, Trepador Azul, Agateador Euroasiático and the short 'Kee-Kee-Kee-Kee' call of numerous Pico Picapinos. In Summer Curruca Capirotada and Mosquitero Común can be expected (occasionally they overwinter).

(*2). Turn slightly inland walking The John Musgrave Heritage Trail along a tree lined wide path with fields on both sides, listen out for the songflight of Alondra Común. Mosquitero Musical (Summer) and Mosquitero Común and Curruca Capirotada are numerous, with Golondrina Común hunting over the surrounding fields.

(*3). Head North from Maidencombe, the car park here (fee payable - note height restriction barrier), towards more hedge and tree lined fields, the speciality bird here is the Escribano Soteño, gradually spreading along the coast from it's stronghold at RSPB Labrador Bay (see separate entry) just to the North. Expect more Alondra Común and possible Cernícalo vulgar along with more common passerines.

(*4). After heading East for the coastline continue South along The South West Coast Path, best described as being undulating and challenging in places with some steep sections with steps. The typical South Devon red soil here can be slippery and muddy in places, suitable footwear is advised following periods of rain. Pardillo Común, Jilguero Lúgano, Tarabilla común and Verderón Común are very common along this section. In infrequent gaps in the pathside trees and scrubland, depending on season views of the sea can give Colimbo Grande, Negrón común, Alcatraz Atlántico, Arao Común, Fulmar Boreal and the occasional Halcón Peregrino.



The A379 road from Torquay (to the South) to Shaldon/Teignmouth (to the North) runs just inland from the site, unfortunately the road signs to the two car parks from the A379 are non existent, therefore press P's on map for directions. The circular walk indicated on the map is about 5 km.

Terreno y habitat

Árboles y arbustos dispersos , Bosque , Pradera , Ciudad/Pueblo , Agricultura , Cañón/acantilado


Plano , Montañoso , Resbaladizo , Paisaje abierto

Camino circular

¿Se necesita telescopio?

Buena época para el avistamiento de aves

Todo el año

Mejor momento para visitar

Verano , Migración de otoño , Migración de primavera , Invierno


Camino pavimentado , Camino ancho , Camino estrecho , Camino sin asfaltar

Camino difícil de andar

Caminata media

Accesible vía

A pie , Bicicleta , Coche

Escondite de observación / plataforma


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