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Tucklesholme Nature Reserve

Staffordshire  >  United Kingdom

Tucklesholme NR is in South East Staffordshire close to the border with South Derbyshire.

Añadido* por Baz Willmott
Última actualización 29 junio 2024


Tucklesholme Nature Reserve is a relatively new reserve. The former gravel pit was acquired by Staffordshire Wildlife Trust and first opened in 2019. The area has already proved productive for birds with both Correlimos Pectoral and Correlimos de Temminck being found shortly after it's opening. BE AWARE with the River Trent running alongside the reserve the site is prone to flooding following periods of prolonged rain.

(*1) (press STAR on map). From the car park take the footpath on the Left the open areas, trees and hedges here have Zorzal Alirrojo and Zorzal Real in Winter. Pico Picapinos are also regular here, with Mosquitero Común and the occasional Mosquitero Musical especially in Spring.

Continue along this path to a viewing screen (*2) overlooking the largest lake, depending on season Cerceta Común are regular here with Ánade azulón, Silbón Europeo, Ánade friso, Cuchara Común and Gallineta Común, sometimes in smaller numbers. Passage birds, sometimes staying for longer periods, include Andarríos Chico, Chorlitejo Grande, Chorlitejo Chico, Correlimos Común and Aguja Colinegra are regular especially in Autumn when water levels drop. More common are Ostrero Euroasiático, Archibebe Común and Avefría Europea.

Continue on the footpath that runs near the railway line (*3), the smaller lakes here have Carricerín Común and Carricero Común. Gallineta Común and Zampullín Común are regularly seen and Cetia Ruiseñor (more often heard than seen of course) can also be found here.

(*4). Look for Busardo ratonero overhead, Aguilucho Lagunero Occidental are occasionally seen and later in the year Garceta Grande seem to favour this end of the reserve.

(*5). Trees and bushes around here have Pardillo Común sometimes in quite large numbers, on passage Curruca Zarcera, Tarabilla común and Tarabilla Norteña can be expected, in more open areas Alondra Común and Cernícalo vulgar are regularly seen and in the morning and evenings Lechuza Común are occasionally seen hunting.

On the way back to the car park (*6) check the large lake one last time, Serreta Grande and Porrón Osculado can sometimes be seen. Along with the resident Somormujo Lavanco, Zampullín Común, Porrón Moñudo and Focha Común . Andarríos Grande, Agachadiza común, Agachadiza Chica are regularly seen mostly later in the year. Both Gaviota Cana and Charrán Común are occasional visitors in Spring.



The long distance A38 main road from Lichfield to the South West and Burton-upon-Trent to the North East, passes just to the North West of the site. On the A38 (Northeast bound), near Barton take exit signed Barton-upon-Needwood/Walton-upon-Trent/B5016, at roundabout take first exit signed Station Road B5016, at next smaller roundabout take second exit into Station Lane, the car park is on this road on the Left.

On A38 main road Southwest bound, near Barton take exit onto B5016 signed Barton-upon-Trent/Walton-upon-Trent/B5016, at next roundabout take second exit onto B5016, at next roundabout take third exit onto Station Lane, the car park is on this road on the Left.

NOTE: the car park (free) has height restriction barrier, the car park is LOCKED PROMPTLY AT NIGHT, opening hours are , Winter 1st October - 31st March 0800-1700hrs, Summer 1st April - 30th September 0800-1900hrs.

Terreno y habitat

Árboles y arbustos dispersos , Pradera , Valle , Estanque , Lago , Ciudad/Pueblo , Cañizos , Río , Humedal


Plano , Nivel del agua alto probable , Pantanoso

Camino circular

¿Se necesita telescopio?

Buena época para el avistamiento de aves

Invierno , Primavera

Mejor momento para visitar

Invierno , Primavera


Camino pavimentado , Camino ancho , Camino estrecho

Camino difícil de andar


Accesible vía

A pie , Bicicleta , Coche

Escondite de observación / plataforma

Información extra

***IMPORTANT PLEASE DO NOT STRAY FROM MARKED PATHWAYS***. Birds have been seriously disturbed by people NOT STAYING ON marked footpaths.

Late Summer 2024, some paths may be closed/diverted whilst work to improve the Northern Lake is under way, it is hoped the improvements will attract Avetoro Común in the future, this work is due to be completed in six weeks, weather permitting.

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escondite de observación / plataforma
torre de vigilancia
punto de interés
restaurante / cafetería
centro de visitantes
500 m

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