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Britain's first bird observatory was founded on this small Welsh island in the 1930s and this has been a famous haunt of birds and birders ever since.
A boat ride will take you round Skomer Island and on to the wilder sister Skokholm, you'll be greeted by thousands of birds and the magnificent red cliffs. At less than 100 hectare Skokholm is considerably smaller than neighbouring Skomer and has lower sandstone cliffs and less cover. However, the island has many of the same breeding birds as Skomer which lies only 5km across Broad Sound. It is run by the Wildlife Trust for South & West Wales.
Skokholm was the inspiration of Ronald Lockley and other influential naturalists who went on to create the forerunner to the Wildlife Trust today. Staying in the old cottage or the lovely renovated cow sheds is a really wild experience, just a little further out than Skomer this is a dream island to visit.
In spring and summer it is colonised by tens of thousands of nesting seabirds returning to their island home. By day there is frenetic activity among the Frailecillo Atlántico, Alca Común, Arao Común and gulls and by night there is a more vocal but equally hectic commotion from the Pardela Pichoneta and Paíño Europeo. There are often some fascinating migrants to look out for that are passing through.
Skokholm is open to visitors from April until October and there is full-board accommodation available for up to 15 visitors on a weekly basis. Unlike Skomer there are no day visitors on Skokholm. Visitors can choose either 3 or 4 night stays, and there is a landing-fee.
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