
RSPB Geltsdale

Cumbria  >  United Kingdom

Geltsdale is an undulating landscape: a patchwork of blanket bog, heath, grassland, meadows and woodland rising from 200m above sea level to 620m at Cold Fell.

Añadido* por Terry
Última actualización 23 junio 2022
Este birdingplace aún no ha sido calificado. Sea el primero en calificar con 1 a 5 estrellas


Geltsdale is a remote and ruggedly beautiful nature reserve that encompasses two hill farms - Geltsdale and Tarnhouse. The blanket bogs, heath, upland farmland and woods of Geltsdale support a great diversity of wildlife. Many breeding birds are found here, including Gallo lira común, Chorlito Dorado Europeo, Zarapito Real, Mirlo Capiblanco, Esmerejón and Búho Campestre. And the reserve is one of only a handful of nesting sites of Aguilucho pálido in England. Tarnhouse Farm is one of two large farms on the reserve. Gallo lira común and the breeding waders - Avefría Europea, Archibebe Común and Agachadiza común - have all increased significantly, thanks to sensitive farming, particularly cattle grazing and wetland creation.



You can park at the reserve car park. Click on the P in the map to get directions. By train: Brampton Junction on Carlisle to Newcastle line - around 2 miles (3.2 km) from reserve. There are several trails in the reserve. Main trail is the circular Stagsike trail (4,5 km, see map). Allow one to two hours to walk this 3 mile trail – a gravel and grass track with a steep hill. It goes to the viewpoint at Tindale Tarn and the Stagsike visitor centre. It’s the best place to see wading birds in spring. Geltsdale is a working farm with grazing livestock. You may meet cattle with calves on the reserve trails.

Terreno y habitat

Bosque , Agricultura , Pradera , Brezales


Paisaje abierto , Montañoso

Camino circular

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Primavera , Otoño , Verano

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Camino ancho , Camino estrecho

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