Rate birdingplace RSPB Dungeness
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Open shingle, fresh water pits, wet grassland and stunning wildflower meadows.
The UK's only official "Desert". The RSPB reserve itself has a visitor centre and has 6 large hides. Target species include Avetoro Común, Aguilucho Lagunero Occidental, Serreta Chica, Porrón Osculado and Zampullín Cuellirrojo. Dungeness itself offers good sea watching opportunities and there is also a Bird Observeratory. Dungeness is one of the best places for wildlife in the UK and designated as a Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) and a Natura 2000 site.
By road: One mile out of Lydd on the Dungeness Road turn right for the main site. The visitor centre and car park are one mile along the entrance track.
By train: The nearest station is Rye, 10 miles (16 km) from the reserve. You can then take the bus 100 to Lydd, and bus 11/11A/11B (not Sundays) from Lydd to the reserve.
By Bus: Bus services 11/11A/11B from Ashford via Lydd (not Sundays) stop on request at the reserve entrance from where there is a one-mile walk to the Visitor Centre. There is a limited service on bus 102 from Lydd or Folkestone. The nearest stops on Sundays are at either Lydd or Lydd-on-Sea (The Pilot Inn).
There is a two-mile circular trail around the reserve.
I think there's an element of confusion in the bird list for this account with no clear distinction between birds seen on the reserve and elsewhere at Dungeness particularly around the Observatory and coast (e.g. Serreta Mediana, Pardela Pichoneta & Cormorán Moñudo would all be unusual records on the reserve but not on the nearby coast). Correlimos Oscuro would be unusual at either and Colimbo Ártico more likely off shore. Alcaudón Norteño and Abejaruco Europeo are rare (only two records of either in 2018 both near the Observatory). Carbonero Palustre would also be highly unusual whilst Carbonero Montano has been extinct in Kent for well over a decade. Conversely some sought after species expected on the reserve have been omitted - for example Serreta Grande (the inclusion of Serreta Mediana invites confusion) and Alcotán Europeo small flocks of which occur in May (and although mentioned in the text Aguilucho Lagunero Occidental is missing). Apologies for being negative but I hope only to improve the clarity of the account.
You need to open ALL the hides please so we have somewhere to shelter and ENJOY our bird watching !! The platforms are useless completely !! And it seems you are not bothrrrf about us birdwatchers anymore but seem to be very pro families and picnic we were there last Friday 12/11/21 no real birders only casual walkers and I had to pick up untold litter RSPB this is your oldest site pleaser let us have it back !!! Discruntled bird watcher