
Queenswood Country Park

Herefordshire, West Midlands  >  United Kingdom

70 hectare Country Park on Dinmore Hill, also an SSSI and LNR. Arboretum, native woodland, playground, viewpoint, cafe, disabled access, archaeological site.

Añadido* por Iain Crawford
Última actualización 31 octubre 2022
Este birdingplace aún no ha sido calificado. Sea el primero en calificar con 1 a 5 estrellas


The car park of Queenswood Country Park is £3 for 2 hours. The cafe is commendable and the viewpoint features a telescope. Look for Milano Real, Busardo ratonero, Cuervo Grande or Azor Común spring display in March or April. There is an archaeological site which featured in Channel 4's 'Time Team'. 190 plant species found here including wood vetch, herb paris and 8 orchid species. Mammals include bats, polecat, muntjac and fallow deer, hares.

It can be very crowded near the car park, best birding will be in more distant parts. Cross the main road with care to follow the Marches Way LDP into undisturbed woodland. Expect Mosquitero Silbador, Papamoscas Gris, Pico Picapinos, Pico Menor, Pito Real, Lechuza Común, Picogordo Común, Chocha Perdiz or Gavilán Común. Or head west through Kipperknowle to see farmland birds eg Escribano Cerillo, Alondra Común, possible Codorniz Común, Cernícalo vulgar and Perdiz Roja.



On the A49 road, 7 miles north of Hereford, 5 miles south of Leominster. Drivers should take care entering and exiting the car park - this road is very busy. There is a regular bus service here from Hereford or Leominster. The three walks shown are between 2 and 3 km. The eastern walk can continue to Bodenham Gravel Pit - 8 km there and back.

Terreno y habitat

Bosque , Llanura , Agricultura , Árboles y arbustos dispersos , Meseta



Camino circular

¿Se necesita telescopio?


Buena época para el avistamiento de aves

Primavera , Verano

Mejor momento para visitar



Camino ancho

Camino difícil de andar

Caminata media

Accesible vía

A pie , Silla de ruedas

Escondite de observación / plataforma


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