
Oare Marshes Nature Reserve

Kent  >  United Kingdom

Vital for overwintering and breeding wetland birds, the reserve consists of grazing marsh, freshwater dykes, open water scrapes, reedbed, saltmarsh & seawall.

Añadido* por Epsomsalt
Última actualización 9 abril 2020


Excellent Birdwatching of 170 acres (69 hectares) maintained by Kent Wildlife Trust. Important for migratory, overwintering and breeding wetland birds, the reserve consists of grazing marsh (one of a few left in Kent) with freshwater dykes, open water scrapes, reedbed, saltmarsh and seawall. Highland cattle and Konik horses graze on the reserve and there are also two viewing hides for observing wildlife. Oare Marshes has seen an impressive number of rarities and regularly plays host to sought-after birds, particularly waders and wildfowl and is also good for migrants that are scarce in the southeast. Around 250 species are possible most years.

Winter is good to see a variety of ducks, grebes, herons and resident waders, roosting gulls and some raptors. In spring you can see Bigotudo, Avoceta Común, waders and ducks. In summer you can see Tórtola Europea and Chorlitejo Chico and lots of warblers. Especially autumn is good for waders and passing migrants like Correlimos Zarapitín, Correlimos Común, Archibebe Oscuro, Correlimos Menudo, Zarapito Trinador and Archibebe Claro.



Church Road, Oare, Faversham ME13 0QD. There is no public transport to reserve. Own car or bicycle required. About 2 miles (3 km) from Faversham Town centre.

Terreno y habitat

Humedal , Pisos de barro , Pradera , Mar , Cañizos



Camino circular

¿Se necesita telescopio?

Buena época para el avistamiento de aves

Todo el año

Mejor momento para visitar

Invierno , Otoño


Camino ancho

Camino difícil de andar


Accesible vía

A pie , Bicicleta , Coche , Silla de ruedas

Escondite de observación / plataforma

Información extra

Entry is free. Wheelchair accessible. There are RADAR gates, the path is surfaced with compacted roadstone and is level. Stay on circular footpaths.


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