
New Quay Seabird Colony

Wales  >  United Kingdom

Thriving seabird colony with clifftop walks near popular seaside town.

Añadido* por Iain Crawford
Última actualización 7 agosto 2022


Typical clifftop scenery with expanding colony of Arao Común, Alca Común, Cormorán Moñudo and Gaviota Tridáctila. Passing seabirds may include Frailecillo Atlántico, Alcatraz Atlántico, skuas, shearwaters and petrels. Winter storms may drive Gaviota Enana and mergansers ashore. Look out for the fins of porpoises around New Quay harbour as they briefly surface to breathe. Dolphins and basking sharks may be seen further out to sea.



Park in New Quay and follow coast path southwestwards. Click on the P in the map to get directions to a parking.

5 or 6 boat trips from Newquay harbour may also the seabird colony, though dolphin watching is the main activity

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Pradera , Cañón/acantilado , Mar , Agricultura


Montañoso , Rocoso , Resbaladizo

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A pie , Barco

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