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Coastal shingle and scrub, a tidal marsh and a well known roosting site for Correlimos Oscuro.
Newhaven Tide Mills hosts some good specialities in the winter, and can be good for migrants in spring and autumn. Summer is quieter. In the winter the best birds are the Correlimos Oscuro on the Breakwater at the mouth of the River Ouse. They show very well here at high tide, and on particularly high tides with stormy conditions will show up top on the highest truts. Vuelvepiedras Común and Bisbita Costero are also seen along this pier. At low tide from the end of the Pier, it is worth checking the beach on the opposite side of the river, for a gull roost that has in the past included Gaviota del Caspio, Gaviota Patiamarilla, Gavión Hiperbóreo and Gaviota Groenlandesa.
At high tide there is also often a small roost of Correlimos Común and Chorlitejo Grande on the shingle beach, with low double figures of each. The Mill Creek (a tidal creek and the remnant of the old course of the river) normally only holds Correlimos Común, Archibebe Común and Zarapito Real but other waders occasionally appear, especially in cold weather movements. There are extensive patches of rough grassland which sometimes attract wintering Búho Campestre or Lechuza Común. Another species always worth looking out for is Colirrojo Tizón; one or two normally spend the winter here but roam widely. The best spots to search are the perimeter fence of the industrial land, or the caravan park as you walk towards Seaford. If accessing the site by train then always check around Newhaven Harbour station too. There is a large roost of Gaviota Reidora and Gaviota Cana on the sea offshore every evening, with persistence and a telescope a Gaviota Cabecinegra or two can often be seen.
Spring can bring good numbers of migrant Collalba Gris from mid March to early May, and smaller numbers of Warblers and other passerine migrants. The Mill Creek will often have a few migrant waders, amongst the most regular are Avoceta Común (especially in March), and Zarapito Trinador and Aguja Colipinta (in April and early May). Summer is quiet, but breeding species include Carricero Común and Carricerín Común, Curruca Zarcerilla, Tarabilla común and often a pair of Chorlitejo Grande, although these typically fail due to disturbance. From mid-July onwards it is worth checking any gulls for juvenile Gaviota Patiamarilla.
Autumn migration can be a good time to search the scrub for Warblers, while Tarabilla Norteña and Collalba Gris in particular favour the open areas of this site. Stormy weather will on occasion result in sightings of Falaropo Picogrueso on the Mill Creek, and in such weather it is also worth checking Newhaven Harbour for storm-driven Seabirds, there have been records of Gaviota de Sabine here.
Newhaven Tide Mills has a fairly good track record for rarities and scarcities; in the winter these include Escribano Nival, Gavión Hiperbóreo, Gaviota Groenlandesa, a Gaviota Pipizcan (in 1991), Archibebe Oscuro and Espátula Común. Rarities or scarcities that have shown up during migration have included Terrera Común, Curruca Gavilana, Bisbita Campestre and Alcaudón Dorsirrojo, and the site has good potential, particularly for autumn rarities.
Park either at the Buckle Car Park in Seaford or the Tide Mills Car Park, on the A259 between Newhaven and Seaford. You can also access from the bus, take a 12/12a/12X and depart at the Tide Mills bus stop. If accessing via train, you can take the train that runs between Seaford and Brighton, and disembark at either Newhaven Harbour or Bishopstone stations.
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