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Established reservoir. The south end is commercialised. The north end is a nature reserve with reed beds and wintering wildfowl.
Llandegfedd Reservoir is a large 174 hectare water supply reservoir. Bring a telescope for panoramic views across the water. Águila Pescadora is regular autumn visitor. Heronry in spring, winter visitors include Ánade friso, Cuchara Común, Silbón Europeo, Ánade rabudo norteño, etc. Rare grebes and divers may occasionally be found in the deeper water in the middle. A variety of waders pass through during migration, with Chorlitejo Grande, Chorlitejo Chico, Ostrero Euroasiático, Andarríos Chico and Andarríos Grande being among the more likely. Occasional rarity eg Correlimos de Baird, Martinete Común, Torcecuello Euroasiático. A 6 mile circular walking route goes around the reservoir. There are several bird hides. Also orchids and butterflies.
From Usk proceed 3 miles towards Pontypool, go left at Monkswood. Parking at north end: During the summer open season the gate to the northern fishermen’s car park will be open from 8.30am and locked at 5.30pm daily. Note: the north east sector of circular walk is closed from November to March. Permits are required if visiting between 1st October and 1st March. They can be purchased from the Welsh Water Visitor Centre located at the dam end of the reservoir at a cost of £8.00.
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