
Torhamns udde

Blekinge  >  Sweden

A peninsula where the east coast of Sweden meets its south coast. Very interesting in times of migration.

Añadido* por Anders Larsson
Última actualización 10 junio 2020


Torhamns udde is an open peninusla, with a smaller copse in the middle, surrounded by meadows, marshes and bushland. A ringing station is located on the east side of the local.

The place is very interesting in spring and autumn migration, with a great variety of waterfowl , like the migrating Éider común in spring. To catch the best of the migration day with S-SE-E wind is to recommend, otherwise the flocks of birds tend to drift out over sea. The area is located in a way that it captures E and SE migrants, in resemblence of Ottenby and 350 spiecies have been seen here over the years.

Torhamn is quite scarse regarding breeding birds but on the western part of the peninsula Avoceta Común is regular and occasionally Búho Campestre and Tarabilla común have been breeding in the area.

Although Torhamn primarily is a migrating area its worth a visit in late autumn an winter when Escribano Nival , Pigargo Europeo, Pato Havelda and more rarely Escribano Lapón can be seen.



When reaching Torhamn village follow the narrowing road south, then keep right at the sign Torhamns udde. Park at the parking and walk from there. Be aware of that the area also contains a military testing station (mainly cannons) and due to that the area is ocassionally closed, look for the red flag at the test station next to the parking.

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