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Easily accessible birding area with salt marshes, oak forest and shallow bays. Worth a visit all year round even though spring and autumn are best.
Stora Amundön offers varied birding with fine salt marshes, oak groves and shallow bays. In spring and autumn, the salt marshes by the canal between the mainland are worth a visit. Correlimos Común, Andarríos Bastardo and Archibebe Claro are often seen. Aguja Colipinta, Archibebe Oscuro, Correlimos de Temminck and Correlimos Menudo can be seen with a little luck. Some geese, ducks and seals can also be found on the salt marshes.
If you go further out on the island, it is worth scouting out flocks of ducks in shallow bays around with Porrón Osculado and Porrón Moñudo in winter. In summer, nice birdsongs can be heard in the oak groves. Rarities that have been seen in Stora Amundön include Garceta Común, Archibebe Patigualdo Grande, Vencejo Pálido, Colimbo de Adams, Colimbo Grande and Bisbita de Richard.
At Stora Amundön there is a large car park at the end of Brottkärrsvägen in Brottkär (just southwest of Gothenburg). Click on the P in the map to get directions. Or you can take bus 82/258 to stop Lillövägen. The circular walking route on the map is about 3 km long.
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