

Östergötland  >  Sweden

Lake Sommen is a large and deep lake in southeastern Östergötland. Around the lake there are large pine and decidous forests. Sommen hosts a large archipelago.

Añadido* por Ludwig Gustafsson
Última actualización 8 julio 2023


Lake Sommen is quite deep and most of the lake is ice-free all-winter. During this period large amounts of Serreta Grande, Porrón Osculado and Somormujo Lavanco winter in Sommen. Sometimes in the hundreds. Among these Porrón Moñudo, Cisne Vulgar, Cisne Cantor, Focha Común, and Gaviota Cana can often be found. The lake is also home to quite a few rarer wintering birds like Colimbo Ártico, Serreta Mediana, Águila Real, Negrón común, Negrón especulado, Martín Pescador Común, Colimbo Chico and Gaviota Reidora.

During the spring migration marine ducks can be found in the lake. At the same time Colimbo Chico, and Colimbo Ártico, arrive at the lake. Colimbo Ártico breeds in the lake while Colimbo Chico feeds in the lake and breeds in small neighbouring lakes. The rare Colimbo de Adams has been seen. Sommen archipelago hosts large colonies of Charrán Común, Gaviota Cana, Gaviota Reidora, Gaviota argéntea europea, Garza Real and Cormorán Grande. Among these some rare birds like Gaviota sombría, and Charrán ártico can be seen.

The large decidous forests around sommen especially on Torpön host plenty of quite rare birds like: Papamoscas Papirrojo, Pico Menor, Cascanueces Común, and Búho Chico. Around Sommen there is also old conifer forests around which support large populations of woodpeckers. Torcecuello Euroasiático, Pito Real, Picamaderos Negro, Pico Menor, Pico tridáctilo (very rare), Pico Picapinos and Pico Dorsiblanco (extinct in the area) have all been recorded. Other otherwise rare forrest birds found here are: Grévol Común Urogallo Común, Gallo lira común (Rocks mosse), and Cascanueces Común.

During the autumn birds can be seen migrating through the lake. Most common are the doves, finches, terns, and waders. At Rocks mosse Gallo lira común and Urogallo Común breed. At Visskvarn there are rapids where Mirlo-acuático Europeo, and Lavandera Cascadeña can be seen.



The area is quite vast, and has got many places to get a good view of the lake. The area is quite mountanous and a walk can be straining. Click on a P in the map to get directions to that point.

Terreno y habitat

Bosque , Árboles y arbustos dispersos , Río , Valle , Meseta , Montaña , Lago , Cañizos , Ciudad/Pueblo , Agricultura , Humedal


Montañoso , Montañoso , Rocoso , Resbaladizo

Camino circular

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Buena época para el avistamiento de aves

Todo el año

Mejor momento para visitar

Primavera , Otoño , Migración de otoño , Invierno , Verano


Camino pavimentado

Camino difícil de andar


Accesible vía

Coche , A pie , Barco

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