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Wetland in an agricultural area. Good place for Cisne Chico, Águila Real during winter. Also waders. Martín Pescador Común nesting. Geese and gulls are resting.
Skarhult's meadows is a wetland in an agricultural setting. The Braån stream runs through the area and on either side of this there are two wetlands surrounded by meadows and groves. On the north side there is an old train embankment from which you can get an overview and it is possible to cross the river. Even on the south side, there are good views from a hunting tower. Cows with calves as well as bulls walk in the area, so don't go inside the fence!
Breeding birds: Zarapito Real, Tarro Blanco, Agachadiza común, Avefría Europea, Archibebe Común, Martín Pescador Común, Perdiz Pardilla, Tarabilla Norteña, Lavandera Boyera, Azor Común and Carricero Políglota. Species seen regularly but not sure if breeding: Pigargo Europeo, Cerceta Carretona, Cuchara Común, Chorlitejo Chico, Grulla Común,Rascón Europeo, Avoceta Común and Cisne Cantor.
In the grounds around the meadows Codorniz Común and Guión de Codornices have been heard several times. During migration, geese and gulls rest in the wetlands and in the surrounding fields. Halcón Peregrino is seen regularly. During the spring, gulls are seen. In summer, waders rest, mainly terns and Combatiente but also marine species can be seen. During autumn, flocks of Avefría Europea and Chorlito Dorado Europeo rest.
Skarhult is a good place to see resting Cisne Chico. In winter time Águila Real, Ánsar careto ,Ánsar piquicorto are seen. Rare species such as Tarro Canelo and Cigüeñuela común have been seen. Wild boar and foxes are often seen in the area.
Best experienced on foot or by bike. Parking by car can be done by the road just south of the church to go from there to the area via the embankment. There are smaller paths to get closer but be careful not to disturb the nesting birds.
Närmaste busstation är Gårdstånga. Åkrarna runtom är högintressanta för örn och gäss under framförallt vinter.
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