
Mount Dundret

Lappland  >  Sweden

Mount Dundret offers marvelous views over big parts of Sweden and is home to ice loving birds such as Lagópodo Alpino, Escribano Lapón and Escribano Nival.

Añadido* por Teije
Última actualización 6 agosto 2021


The mountain ridge of Dundret, Natura 2000 area, lays mainly above the tree line and is delved in snow most of the year. Birds such as Lagópodo Alpino, Escribano Lapón and Escribano Nival, with their white winter plumages and brown/grey breeding plumages will always find a place to hide here. The Chorlito Dorado Europeo, Chorlito Carambolo and Bisbita Pratense are very fond of the area as well.



From Gällivare there's an easy road up to the top of the mountain, although it is only accessible by car between May and November. Drive to the ski lifts and telephone tower on top and enjoy a beautiful walk over there.

In Dundret nature reserve you are allowed to hike, put up a tent, make a fire, pick berries and mushrooms to eat. The facilities include information boards, prepared walking trails and refuse containers. There are also some cabins that are open during some periods of the year. For more information, contact the tourist office in Gällivare (see the link below).

Terreno y habitat

Meseta , Montaña , Brezales


Montañoso , Paisaje abierto

Camino circular

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Camino pavimentado

Camino difícil de andar

Caminata media

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A pie

Escondite de observación / plataforma



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