

Dalsland  >  Sweden

Shallow small lake in the northern part of an agricultural landscape. Reeds and surrounding mixed forest.

Añadido* por Carlsson Björn
Última actualización 10 julio 2020


Lake Gösjön is one of the few shallow, nutritious lakes with rich bird life in this area of Sweden (Dalsland). You can see Ánade friso and Aguilucho Lagunero Occidental here, which are not common as breeding birds in Dalsland. The lake therefore is a natural gathering place in the cultivated landscape for water-related species. So you can see many geese and ducks and other nice birds like Avetoro Común, Grulla Común, Águila Pescadora, Cuervo Grande, Carricerín Común and Escribano Cerillo. You can observe the birds here while walking on the trail, but the best views are from the bird observation tower. The deciduous forest around the bird tower at Gösjön is also good for forest birds.



Park at the rest area along highway 45 north of the lake (Click on the P on the map to go there directly). Enter through the gate in the game fence and follow it south to the bird tower.

Terreno y habitat

Bosque , Humedal , Llanura , Lago , Cañizos , Agricultura , Pradera



Camino circular


¿Se necesita telescopio?

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Buena época para el avistamiento de aves

Primavera , Verano , Otoño

Mejor momento para visitar

Primavera , Verano , Otoño


Camino estrecho

Camino difícil de andar

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A pie

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