
Punta del Hidalgo

Tenerife  >  Spain

The rocky shore of Punta del Hidalgo attracts many shorebirds during migration. Also a good place for seabird watching from a nice bird hide with info panels.

Añadido* por Team Birdingplaces
Última actualización 9 junio 2023


Punta del Hidalgo is located on the northeast coast of the island of Tenerife. The rocky shore is dominated by a postmodern lighthouse. During migration you can find many shorebirds on the rocks along the beach. For example Zarapito Trinador, Correlimos Tridáctilo, Vuelvepiedras Común, Chorlito Gris, Chorlitejo Grande and Garceta Común. From a new bird hide with nice info panels on seabirds, you can look out over sea and try to spot birds like Pardela cenicienta, Pardela de Barolo, Alcatraz Atlántico, Gaviota Patiamarilla and Pardela Pichoneta.



Punta del Hidalgo is located on the northeast coast of the island of Tenerife. You can park in the streets of the village and from there it is a 300 meter walk to the bird hide. But you can also walk further on the beach in the direction of the lighthouse. Click on the P in the map for directions to the parking area.

Terreno y habitat

Playa , Mar


Paisaje abierto

Camino circular


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Migración de primavera


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