
Parque de Santa Teresa

Cádiz  >  Spain

A forestal park filled with both native and exotic vegetation near Jerez. Close to the Guadalete river.

Añadido* por B3ugaz
Última actualización 13 julio 2023
Este birdingplace aún no ha sido calificado. Sea el primero en calificar con 1 a 5 estrellas


Parque de Santa Teresa consists of a big park with mediterranean bushes, where several species nest, as well as several exotic tree species. Birds here are shy, however it is very easy to find and or hearZarcero Bereber, as well as other species like Zarcero Políglota, Iberian Green Woodpecker and Mochuelo Europeo. The bushes and trees also hold other species like Oropéndola Europea, Colirrojo Real and Papamoscas Cerrojillo during migration, however be careful not to disturb any nests! The closeby fields, though private, may give you Alcaudón Común, Lechuza Común or rarely Alcaraván Común. Occasionally, Águila Pescadora might fly over due to its proximity to the river and other spots for the species. Flyovers can give you unexpected species, i've had Bald Ibis here. Chameleons, as well as several other reptiles are also present. During nightime, though the park is closed, you can easily hear Red-Necked Nightjar from the streets surrounding it.



You can access the area from anywhere in Jerez. If the park is open, simply park there. If you want to reach the river, it's probably best that you park in some of the streets before you reach it, as you can't acess it with your car. You can also walk to the place (~300m) from the "C/Santa Inés" bus stop.

Terreno y habitat

Bosque , Árboles y arbustos dispersos , Agricultura , Ciudad/Pueblo


Plano , Montañoso , Nivel del agua alto probable , Seco

Camino circular

¿Se necesita telescopio?


Buena época para el avistamiento de aves

Todo el año

Mejor momento para visitar

Migración de primavera , Migración de otoño


Camino pavimentado , Camino sin asfaltar , Camino estrecho , Camino ancho

Camino difícil de andar

Caminata media

Accesible vía

A pie , Bicicleta

Escondite de observación / plataforma


Información extra

The park is open from 9am-2pm (though i've seen it open earlier), the 1st and 3rd saturday of every month. It's also open from 9am-6pm on working days during winter saving time and from 9am-2pm on working days during summer time. From June 2023, the park seems to be always reliably open.


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