
Marismas de Trebujena

Cadiz  >  Spain

This is a newly created reserve (2024) which has yet to "bed in" so the extensive lagunas and 'scrapes' have yet to reach their potential.

Añadido* por John Cantelo
Última actualización 12 junio 2024


The Marismas de Trebujena here were unsuccessfully converted to grazing land but soon reverted to dry saline marshes. An ambitious scheme, completed in 2024, has restored wetland pools and habitats with the aim to attract Focha Moruna, Cerceta Pardilla and Malvasía Cabeciblanca (all of which occur locally). It should also prove attractive to other ducks (Pato Colorado, Porrón Europeo. etc) and wading birds like Avoceta Común, Cigüeñuela común, Canastera Común and good variety of migrant waders. Check also for larks, raptors and Ganga Ibérica. There's a car park, footpath and two viewing platforms which give views over large lagunas and saline marshes beyond.



Access to Marismas de Trebujena is best via Trebujena to the north east as the track from Bonanza/Samlucar is currently in a very poor state. Follow the road south-west along the Guadalquivir from the Embarcadero de Trebujena. The first pools will soon appear on your left and you will reach car park after abot 3 km. From here you can walk to the two viewing platforms.

Terreno y habitat

Estanque , Pisos de barro , Pradera


Plano , Paisaje abierto , Arenoso

Camino circular

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Buena época para el avistamiento de aves

Todo el año

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Camino estrecho , Camino pavimentado

Camino difícil de andar


Accesible vía

A pie

Escondite de observación / plataforma

Información extra

As noted above this is a very new reserve which will slowly mature in coming years and is yet to approach its potential.

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