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La Lomaza is one of the famous steppe landscapes near Belchite and a stronghold for the rare Alondra Ricotí.
La Lomaza, is a protected steppe landscape of approximately 961 hectares. It is a steppe mainly covered with thyme, sparta, rosemary favorable for the nesting of a large number of remarkable and rare steppe birds. The two reserves of la Lomaza and el Planerón (also described on this website) both hold enough Alondra Ricotí to sustain a healthy population, and to attract a large number of birders to this part of Spain in early spring. Other special birds you can see here are Calandria Común, Collalba Negra, Ganga Ibérica, Alcaraván Común and Cogujada Montesina.
It is reached by the A-222 road about 11 kilometers north of Belchite. A car park, explanatory signs and a signposted route from the car park are provided. An authorization must be requested beforehand from the Aragonese Institute of Environmental Management (INAGA), to be able to enter it.
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