
El Racó de l'Olla

Valencia  >  Spain

Restored area of the innermost part of a old pond located in a depression of the restinga where there was an exchange between marine and continental water.

Añadido* por Juan Sorli Guerola
Última actualización 27 enero 2023


El Racó de l'Olla is a permanent salty lagoon, very well preserved after the restoration from an environmental point of view, but specially for birds. 50 hectares formed by 4 lagoons of which 3 are a reserve area and one is visitable. One of the most important nesting colonies in Spain of Charrán Patinegro, Charrán Común and Gaviota Cabecinegra are found here. But also special birds like Cerceta Pardilla, Focha Moruna and Calamón Común.



From Valencia, take CV-500 direction El Saler, turn right in 10,5 KM direction El Palmar and turn left inmediately. There is also a bus (line 25) in Valencia. You can park just at the entrance of the Interpretation center. You can visit only walking. NOTE: Open every day from 9am until 2pm.

Terreno y habitat

Lago , Humedal , Dunas



Camino circular


¿Se necesita telescopio?


Buena época para el avistamiento de aves

Todo el año

Mejor momento para visitar

Invierno , Primavera


Camino ancho

Camino difícil de andar


Accesible vía

A pie , Silla de ruedas

Escondite de observación / plataforma

Información extra

Especially suitable for birding with children. The route can be done in less than one hour, a path of approximately 1 km length ending in a hide.

The interpretation center also has a very nice observation tower to see the Natural Park (lake, forest, ricefields). Visitable from Monday to Sunday during the morning. Not necessary booking for groups of less of 15 persons. Entrance free. Telephone for booking 0034 96 386 80 50.

If you want to taste the great variety of cooked rice of this land, you are only 3 km from El Palmar village, one of the best places to taste the different types of "paellas" in Valencia.


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