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Steep coastal cliffs in the south of Mallorca that are spectacular to see and also a great place for birdwatching.
Cap Blanc is one of the steepest cliffs on the Mallorcan coast, with the highest point of the cliff at about 90 meters above sea level. The egde of the cliff is dominated by the white lighthouse Far de Cap Blanc. The flat, wild and stony surface that occupies most of this area contrasts with the blue sea. In its garrigue landscape, on the sea and on the cliffs you can find many birds. In the open spaces you can see Cogujada Montesina. And check the fences that are often used as a lookout by Bisbita Campestre. In the dense vegetation you can find birds like Curruca Balear, Curruca Cabecinegra, Abubilla común, Tarabilla común and Collalba Gris. Also Alcaraván Común and Perdiz Roja breed in this area. In the forest parts you can find Piquitureto Común.
On the lower parts of the cliffs you can see Cormorán Moñudo. In front of the cliffs Gaviota Patiamarilla and Gaviota de Audouin regularly fly by. On the upper parts of the cliffs Gorrión Chillón make their nests (but they can be hard to see). On the upper cliffs you often have a better chance to see Roquero Solitario or Halcón Peregrino. Watching over the sea you can spot Pardela cenicienta mediterránea, Pardela Balear and Alcatraz Atlántico, but most of the time you need a spotting scope to see these sea birds, because they are often far out on sea.
From the city of Palma de Mallorca, follow the Ma-19 highway to Llucmajor. Take exit 13 towards S'Arena and Cala Blava. After two roundabouts, the road turns into MA-6014 towards Cala Blava and Cala Pi. Follow this road until kilometer marker 18. A few 100 meters further on, turn right to Cap Blanc, clearly indicated with a sign. Take this exit and continue until the large gate where you can park. Continue on foot from the car park. Note: The eastern part of Cap Blanc is military terrain and not accessible.
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