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This high sided Barranco (ravine) has a fresh water stream with several dam walls creating shallow pools surrounded by scattered and patchy shrub and tree cover
A great place for endemic Tarabilla Canaria , Camachuelo Trompetero , Bisbita Caminero and waders such as Agachadiza común , Andarríos Grande and Cigüeñuela común this Barranco has been a hotspot for Avetorillo Plomizo. There is a recycling centre close by which is a magnet for gulls and raptors, Alimoche Común , Busardo ratonero , Gavilán Común , Cernícalo vulgar while on the track down lots of small birds are in the hedgerows.
Reached from the main FV20 road take the road towards Complejo Ambiental de Zurita (recycle plant) Parking 50m from the gated recycling plant and heading right on a track which crosses an arid expanse heading towards the edge of a very steep precipice where you followed the rough track down to the bottom of the Barranco this is roughly central and you can head both ways here, for the Bittern head up stream to a fertile area which has a dam wall, this is its favoued spot. Further up theres more Pools and vegetation, head up then double back and head the opposite way down stream walking the length of the ravine.
Alternative to decending into the Barranco is to stay on the top and view using a scope or binoculars, this is an easier route if you have difficulty walking. Theres also an easier route from the other end of the Barranco where you can park your car and follow the track which takes you on the opposite side of the ravine. I didnt use this so dont have many details, this can be found by adding Barranco de la Cabras in the sat nav.
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