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This dehesa (meadowland with scattered trees) is rich in puddles, rivers and borders a reservoir. This variety attracts many bird species.
The dehesa landscape of Ambroz Cáparra is interesting in every season. In winter there are many birds, of which Grulla Común is the most emblematic. In the meadows, ponds and rivers you can see Cigüeña Blanca, Cigüeña Negra, Espátula Común but also Garza Real, Garceta Grande and Garceta Común. There are nests of Cigüeña Blanca on the electricity poles and on every higher building. The trees and shrubs are teeming with Rabilargo Ibérico, Abubilla común, Abejaruco Europeo and the pasture posts and barbed wire are home to many Escribano Triguero, Alcaudón Común and Alcaudón real. Also look up regularly. Buitre Leonado and Buitre Negro forage here, but so do Águila calzada and Culebrera Europea. Groups of Cernícalo Primilla are often hunting above the puddles and the dehesa is the hunting ground of the Milano Negro that often hovers along the road in search of run-down animals.
Espagnol: La dehesa de Ambroz Cáparra es interesante en todas las estaciones. Esta dehesa es rica en charcas, ríos y bordea un embalse. Esta variedad atrae a muchas especies de aves.
It is best to cross the area by car and preferably by bicycle. A good starting point is Villar de Plasencia. Next to the gas station on the N 630, take CC 11.1 (if you want to cycle, you can park your car next to the gas station). Soon you will see a side road on the right, drive it for a while until you reach the ponds. Afterwards you return to the CC11.2 and after the excavations of Cáparra you dive into the valley of the Rio Ambroz, a completely different biotope. At the crossroads, turn left towards Guijo de Granadilla. Then choose direction Embalse de Gabriel y Galán EX-205. At the weir you have a beautiful view of the Río Alagón and the reservoir. Just past Poblado de Gabriel y Galán you can turn left for a while where you will end up on a peninsula via the road to a sports complex. Then follow the road to Zarza de Granadilla and just before the village, take the CC 13.3 on the left. At the next intersection, turn left onto CC 11.2 and find yourself back on the road to Villar de Plasencia where the tour began.
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