
Zasavica Nature Reserve

Vojvodina  >  Serbia

A shallow river bordered by reedbeds and surrounded by arable fields and remnants of forests (oak, ash, poplar and willow).

Añadido* por Dragan Simic
Última actualización 3 febrero 2025


The river Zasavica is about 30 km long, with numerous flood depressions and forest barriers. The width of this slowly meandering river is up to 80 metres, and the average depth is 2.5 m. Private forest groves of oak, ash, black alder, white willow and poplar have been preserved along its course.

Go explore the Valjevac pasture – the central feature of the area and the largest pasture in northwestern Serbia: a combination of a grassland, shallow water-filled depressions, with nearby reedbeds and the River Zasavica on the one side and willow-poplar forest on the other, with numerous waders using it as a migration stop-over site.

Some 216 bird species have been recorded in Zasavica Reserve, including Cormorán Pigmeo , Avetorillo común , Martinete Común , Porrón Pardo , Pigargo Europeo , Aguilucho Lagunero Occidental , Alcotán Europeo , Aguja Colinegra , Cigüeñuela común , Combatiente , Zarapito Real , even Agachadiza Real , Tórtola Europea , Cuco Común , Pito Real , Pico Sirio , Pico Menor , Cogujada Común , Bisbita Campestre , Lavandera Boyera , Ruiseñor Común , Colirrojo Tizón , Tarabilla Norteña , Carricero Tordal , Buscarla Unicolor , Zarcero Icterino , Papamoscas Gris , Pájaro-moscón Europeo , Alcaudón Dorsirrojo , Oropéndola Europea , Serín Verdecillo , Picogordo Común and Escribano Triguero. Also, Eurasian beaver has been successfully reintroduced in the area.

Photos by Wikimedia Commons and Mileta Cekovic.



The Zasavica Reserve is located 15 km south of the Belgrade-Zagreb highway, 90 km west of Belgrade and 70 km south of Novi Sad. Take the E-70 highway exit for the Sremska Mitrovica city, cross the Sava River, then through Mačvanska Mitrovica towards the village of Zasavica II and farther towards the Zasavica Nature Reserve. Click on the P at the map for driving directions.

Local tourist options include educational programs for pupils and students; scientific and professional research, sport fishing, photo safari boat ride through Zasavica, boat ride on the "Umbra" boat with a capacity of 60 seats and auto-camp - located 200 m north of the Zasavica Visitor's centre (called "CAMPING ZASAVICA").

Terreno y habitat

Bosque , Humedal , Pradera , Agricultura , Río , Cañizos


Plano , Resbaladizo , Polvoriento , Sin sombra

Camino circular

¿Se necesita telescopio?

Puede ser útil

Buena época para el avistamiento de aves


Mejor momento para visitar

Migración de primavera , Migración de otoño


Camino sin asfaltar , Camino estrecho

Camino difícil de andar

Caminata media

Accesible vía

A pie

Escondite de observación / plataforma

Información extra

Within the reserve there is a farm of old breeds of domestic animals, such as the Balkan donkey, the Mangalitsa pig, Domestic Mountain Horse and Podolian (Grey Steppe) cattle.


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