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This shorebird site is worthy of a detour if you are heading farther east towards Hatarica and Dubovacki rit, and the Deliblato Sands Reserve.
While the sugar plant between Kovin and the Danube, about 50 km east of Belgrade, is closed, the triangular ponds are nowadays filled up by the pet food factory effluents, and can be quite smelly. Yet, being next to the Danube floodzone, the area is rich in wildlife and has more natural feel about it.
Local waders include Correlimos Zarapitín, Chorlitejo Chico, Cigüeñuela común, Avoceta Común, Ostrero Euroasiático (rare so deep in the continent), Chorlito Gris, Avefría Europea, Chorlitejo Grande, Vuelvepiedras Común (rare so deep in the continent), Combatiente, Correlimos Común, Correlimos Menudo, Agachadiza común, Andarríos Chico, Andarríos Grande, Archibebe Claro, Andarríos Bastardo, Archibebe Común. Among the breeding Gaviota Reidora, there are few pairs of Gaviota Cabecinegra. Due to the closeness of the river Danube, terns on migration are diverse: Charrancito Común, Pagaza Piconegra, Pagaza Piquirroja, Fumarel Común, Fumarel Aliblanco and, in the breeding season, Fumarel Cariblanco.
Other species include Garcilla Bueyera and Garcilla Cangrejera, Abejero Europeo, Pico Sirio, Pito Real, Picamaderos Negro, Alcaudón Dorsirrojo, Alcaudón Chico (uncommon), Zarcero Pálido, Zarcero Icterino, Carricerín Común, Carricero Políglota and Carricero Tordal.
Photo (2) by Aleksandar Urosevic
While an asphalt road passes next to the pond, the turn-off is somewhat unusual and I marked it as a route on the map. If you reach the ponds by car, park at the beginning of the route (driving along the levee is prohibited and the barrier is often closed and locked). For driving directions, zoom in on the map and click on the "P" (parking) sign.
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