
Opovo Town

Banat, Vojvodina  >  Serbia

The town of Opovo is your starting point for exploring the Tamiš floodplain.

Añadido* por Mileta Čeković
Última actualización 21 febrero 2025


The main town park in Opovo is known as the best Búho Chico wintering site in the South Banat region. Usually, tens and sometimes hundreds of Búho Chico can be found on conifer trees in the park. Occasionally, there is also a Búho Campestre among them.

In the spring, a small lake, channel, and the surrounding reeds at the southeast of the town can hide marsh species like Garcilla Cangrejera, Carricero Tordal and Pájaro-moscón Europeo.

If you are willing to spend some more time, worth visiting is the forest at the Tamiš riverbanks to the south as well as Vencov vinograd (Vence's vineyards) Tamiš old riverbed to the north.



The town of Opovo is easily accessed from different directions. Follow one of the 'P' markings on the map.

Terreno y habitat

Ciudad/Pueblo , Cañizos , Parque



Camino circular


¿Se necesita telescopio?


Buena época para el avistamiento de aves

Invierno , Primavera

Mejor momento para visitar

Invierno , Primavera , Migración de primavera


Camino pavimentado , Camino sin asfaltar

Camino difícil de andar


Accesible vía

A pie , Bicicleta

Escondite de observación / plataforma


Información extra

The town of Opovo is your starting and ending point for exploring the Tamiš floodplain. From here you can quickly reach other great birding places: Baranda, Sakule, and Čenta. Also, do not miss to visit local restaurants, cafes, or bakeries as they are the best in the region.


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