
Zalew Koszycki

Piła, Woj.wielkopolskie  >  Poland

A big artificial water reservoir, often visited by anglers and recreational boaters. From the dam you can see a large part of the lake.

Añadido* por Huanita
Última actualización 19 octubre 2021


Zalew Koszycki is an artificial reservoir in the village of Piła. It was created as a result of the construction of a dam and damming of the Ruda River and flooding of 104 ha of former swamps and wastelands. Among the birds you can see on the reservoir and in the surroundings are Porrón Osculado, Somormujo Lavanco, Gaviota Reidora, Cormorán Grande, Avetorillo común, Garza Real, Garceta Grande, Aguilucho Lagunero Occidental, Milano Real, Abubilla común, Cuervo Grande, Carricero Tordal, Gorrión Molinero and Lavandera Blanca.



Easy to access from the village of Piła on foot and by bike. Click on the P in the map to get directions.

Terreno y habitat

Cañizos , Lago , Llanura


Plano , Paisaje abierto , Sin sombra

Camino circular

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Camino pavimentado

Camino difícil de andar


Accesible vía

A pie , Bicicleta , Coche , Silla de ruedas

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