
Pierzchno Meadows

Wielkopolska  >  Poland

A complex of meadows and agricultural lands in the Moskawa river valley.

Añadido* por Samuel Odrzykoski
Última actualización 2 febrero 2024


One of the last places in the area where you can meet nesting Archibebe Común. Vast meadows, in "wet" years, are flooded in the spring, creating a shallow pool, a perfect feeding place for waders and ducks migrating in spring. The most characteristic species are: Avefría Europea, Archibebe Común, Agachadiza común, Andarríos Bastardo, Archibebe Oscuro, Archibebe Claro, Silbón Europeo, Cuchara Común, Ánade rabudo norteño, Cerceta Carretona, Ánade friso. It is also a good place to observe migrating geese: Ánsar común, Ánsar careto, Ánsar Campestre de la Tundra, Ánsar piquicorto, Barnacla Cariblanca. In winter, you can sometimes see: Aguilucho pálido or Busardo Calzado.



Best accessible by car. Pierzchno is located about 40 min. from Poznań. The marked P south of the village of Pierzchno is on a dirt road and navigation may not lead there. Going towards the palace, turn right in front of the gate into a dirt road. You will pass the park on the left, a small sewage treatment plant and continue downhill towards the meadows. Put the car there. Attention, the road may be run over by tractors in this section. Note: dirt roads to the north (both from the village of Pierzchno and a little further west, near the village of Olszewo) may be muddy in early spring or after heavy rainfall.

There is also good access from the south from the national road no 11 in the village of Bordowo, we head towards a single wind turbine and you can stand somewhere near it (just don't stand under the turbine). There is an excellent view of the valley from the high ground- a spotting scope will come in handy. You can also stand near a small pine forest - there is a place for a bonfire and a "parking lot", but the road may be damaged by tractors at times. From higher areas you can go lower towards the meadows - see the map.

There is no marked path in the meadows, move carefully - especially during the breeding season! It is best to watch the birds from the hill between the fields and the meadow.

Click on a P in the map for directions.

Terreno y habitat

Humedal , Pisos de barro , Agricultura , Pradera , Valle , Río


Plano , Pantanoso , Sin sombra , Paisaje abierto , Nivel del agua alto probable

Camino circular


¿Se necesita telescopio?

Puede ser útil

Buena época para el avistamiento de aves

Primavera , Otoño , Invierno

Mejor momento para visitar

Migración de primavera , Migración de otoño , Otoño , Primavera , Invierno


Camino sin asfaltar , Camino estrecho , Camino pavimentado

Camino difícil de andar


Accesible vía

A pie , Coche

Escondite de observación / plataforma


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