Rate birdingplace Mokre Łąki
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Mokre Łąki is an amazing place in the Kampinos National Park to observe various birds.
Mokre Łąki is a small lake with many different birds. It is a reservoir that is almost entirely fed with water from a nearby wastewater treatment plant. Cisne Vulgar can be seen most often here. But you can also see Somormujo Cuellirrojo, Cigüeña Blanca, Cerceta Carretona, Aguilucho Lagunero Occidental, Ánsar común and Garceta Grande. When you go further into the forest you can see forest birds like Pico Picapinos, Carbonero Común and Arrendajo Euroasiático.
Mokre Łąki is close to Warsaw, so it's easy to get there. This area should be explored on foot or by bike. There are many hiking and biking trails. The circular trail shown on the map is about 5 km long.