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Deciduous nature-like forest with considerable geomorphological diversity, 3 mid-forest ponds, geophytes blooming in spring, and a large amount of dead wood.
The area is a planned reserve called Kokoryczowe Wzgórze, also known as the Park in Radojewo. A deciduous forest of a nature-like character located in an area of considerable geomorphological diversity. Packed on 20 ha area, with 3 mid-forest ponds, geophytes blooming in spring, and a large amount of dead wood. The forest looks like a miniature of a natural forest, due to many hills, ponds, fallen trees, species richness of trees, shrubs and herbaceous plants - it delights the eyes. Among the most valuable birds you can observe here are many woodpeckers: Picamaderos Negro, Pico Mediano, Pito Real, Pico Menor, Pico Picapinos, as well as Cárabo Común, one pair of Alcaudón Dorsirrojo and seldom Papamoscas Cerrojillo. At the entrance to the park there is an unused palace of the von Treskow family, and there are graves of this family as well as artificial ruin in the park. Many huge monumental plane trees grow by the ponds.
You can get here by car and park in front of the park, or take a bus to the bus stop in Radojewo (bus number: 167, 188, 911) or with a bike. The best way to get around the park is on your feet. The indicated walking trail on the map is in total about 2,6 km.
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