
Nesseby Naturreservat

Finnmark  >  Norway

Shallow bay that is one of Finnmark's best bird areas. The muddy beach has an abundant bird life in the spring.

Añadido* por Ravi Kappel
Última actualización 9 febrero 2022


Nesseby Naturreservat is one of Finnmark's best bird areas. The shoreline of this tidal headland has large mud banks. This makes Nesseby nature reserve is a very good place for watching waders. Especially in the spring the bird life is abundant. Among the birds you can see are Ostrero Euroasiático, Chorlitejo Grande, Correlimos Oscuro, Correlimos Común, Zarapito Trinador, Zarapito Real, Correlimos Gordo, Aguja Colipinta, Falaropo Picofino, Éider menor, Éider común and Págalo Parásito. But many more, see the birdlist below.



Large parking at Nesseby church. Click on the P in the map to get directions.

Terreno y habitat

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Camino circular

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Camino estrecho

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Accesible vía

Barco , A pie , Coche

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