
Gaulosen Naturreservat

Trondheim  >  Norway

This wetland at a river mouth south of Trondheim is the last intact, larger river outlet in Trøndelag. At low tide large mudflats become exposed.

Añadido* por Thiemo Karwinkel
Última actualización 14 agosto 2024


Gaulosen Naturreservat is one of the few lowland wetlands in the otherwise very rocky and steep coastal landscape of Norway. During both the spring and autumn migration, several thousand waterbirds and shorebirds gather here for resting and feeding. The birds are concentrated in this bay. Over 200 different bird species have been recorded here. This is a very high number this far north. Over 40 bird species nest within the area.



Gaulosen Naturreservat is located 20 km south of Trondheim. You can go either to the northern or the southern part of the reserve. Decide on the basis of the daytime, as looking into the sun can prevent you from seeing anything. Both sides are reachable by regional bus line from Trondheim (see the star on the map for the location of the bus stop). Both sides also have parking spaces for cars. Press a P on the map for directions to a parking.

There is theoretical a rudder boat service to the other side, but you have to book it in advance with some local people, so in practice it is not usable.

Terreno y habitat

Humedal , Mar , Río



Camino circular


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Buena época para el avistamiento de aves

Primavera , Verano , Otoño

Mejor momento para visitar

Migración de primavera , Migración de otoño


Camino sin asfaltar , Camino estrecho , Camino pavimentado

Camino difícil de andar


Accesible vía

A pie , Bicicleta

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