
Marais do Bouregreg

Rabat  >  Morocco

Marshy wetlands with small farms and a small patch of pasture. Depending on the rainfall it can have several small ponds.

Añadido* por Pedro Fernandes
Última actualización 25 enero 2023


What is left of the marshes of the Bouregreg, is a small patch that spans from the fortress of Chellah to the bridge Al-Fida. A few canals cut the marshes, which don't usually get flooded by the river. The ponds have small flocks of wintering ducks, and during the summer breeding Ánade azulón , Cigüeñuela común and Chorlitejo Chico. Cerceta Pardilla has bred here in recent years. Near Chellah, the vegetation that is used to fence the small farms, a large Garcilla Bueyera colony gathers during Spring. This colony also has important numbers of breeding Morito Común and Martinete Común , as well as a few Garceta Común . In the bushes and Mastic trees there are Herrerillo Canario , Bulbul Naranjero , Pinzón Vulgar and Zarcero Bereber . Alcotán Europeo (during Summer), Gavilán Común, Aguilucho Lagunero Occidental and Cernícalo vulgar are regularly seen here, with the occasional visit of Busardo moro ssp cirtensis . Species such as Águila perdicera , Polluela Pintoja and Bisbita de Hodgson have also been seen here.



You can access this site either via Chellah or near the Al-Fida bridge. From the Marjane Bouregreg (near the Al-Fida bridge), there is an entryway to the Eucalyptus patch (34.018874, -6.818534), and from there you can follow a path that will go under the rail tracks and opens into the marshes. The closest tramway station is Pont Hassan II, from there you can walk about 15 minutes to the Eucalyptus patch entrance.

Terreno y habitat

Humedal , Árboles y arbustos dispersos , Río , Agricultura , Ciudad/Pueblo


Camino circular

¿Se necesita telescopio?

Puede ser útil

Buena época para el avistamiento de aves

Todo el año

Mejor momento para visitar

Primavera , Invierno


Camino sin asfaltar

Camino difícil de andar


Accesible vía

A pie , Bicicleta

Escondite de observación / plataforma


Información extra

The area is known among the locals to be a place where muggings can happen, so be vigilant while visiting the area. Ideally do not go there alone. At times there have been feral dogs in the area, so be prepared for that.

There are plans to develop this stretch of the Bouregreg shore, threatening this site.

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