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Nature reserve and wildlife sanctuary along the Namanthanga stream consisting of free-flowing river, gallery forest, dry forest and scrubland.
Lilongwe Wildlife Center has well maintained trails along the river and through the dry forest allowing for excellent viewing of amongst others Hamerkop, Giant Kingfisher, Livingstone's Turaco, Common Scimitarbill and Square-tailed Drongo-Cuckoo. The birds are not shy and you can observe and photograph them from relatively close range.
Access via the Visitor Center (admission for tourists 2,000 Kwacha - as of 10.2022). No reliable public bus service. Taxi or own car recommended. You can walk the 6km of wilderness trails along the river and through the forest. There’s also the Maravi Gardens café (open 8am-4pm Monday to Saturday), and a gift shop. For enquiries email
Note: The site is only accessible between 08.00 and 17.00 hours.
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