
Punta Chiappa

Liguria  >  Italy

Punta Chiappa is one of the best sites for seawatching in the Ligurian Sea.

Añadido* por Daniele Baroni
Última actualización 2 marzo 2023


Punta Chiappa is located in the Portofino Natural Park. The waters are rich in food and attracting many seabird species. Especially thousands of Pardela Mediterránea and Pardela cenicienta mediterránea. Other species that are regularly seen from this spot are Alcatraz Atlántico, Gaviota Cabecinegra, Cormorán Moñudo and Alca Común. In March, many waterbirds are seen migrating at sea. In winter, Treparriscos and Roquero Solitario can be seen on the cliffs and a flock of Charrán Patinegro is wintering between Punta Chiappa and Camogli. Along the hiking path from San Rocco, in spring Curruca subalpina is breeding among the dense shrubs.



The watching site can only be reached by walking from San Rocco or by boat from Camogli. The trail from San Rocco is a stairs path, not that long but very steep. You can get to San Rocco by car and park there. Click on a P in the map for directions. Other option is by train to Camogli and then by bus. The 2,5 km hiking trail starts at the church of San Rocco, at 220 meters a.s.l., and from there it goes downhill getting at sea at Punta Chiappa in half an hour (and 1 hour to get back to the parking area). The path is marked with a symbol with two red squares.

The other option is to take the boat from the small harbour in Camogli, but it is important to check the sea conditions. If they change to bad the boat service may stop.

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