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An interesting mixture of sea, marsh and pastures which attract a large diversity of resting and breeding birds alike.
The marsh itself is usually a good place for herons like the Garceta Común or Avetorillo común. Furthermore during breeding season you should pay attention to Aguilucho Lagunero Occidental, Carricerín Real, Cetia Ruiseñor, Cistícola Buitrón and other typical aquatic or reed-specialised species. Depending on the water level dabbling ducks ( Cerceta Común, Cuchara Común and others) or eventually waders can be found resting in the reserve.
The beach confining to the reserve, and especially around the eponymous relict of the "Torre Flavia" is a good spot for seawatching. Pay attention to Pardela cenicienta mediterránea, Gaviota de Audouin and Alcatraz Atlántico. Waders might also be found there, like Chorlitejo patinegro in the winter.
Finally, don't overlook the pastures, where Cogujada Común, Wagtails and Pipits can be expected.
A car park is situated roughly at the corner of "Via Roma" (coming from Ladispoli centre) and "Via Fontana Morella" (coming from Marina di Cerveteri). Both towns are easily reached from the A 12 motorway (Rome-Civitavecchia). For approaching the area by public transport, one could consider arriving by train to Ladispoli and take then a bicycle or simply walking to the site (roughly 35 minutes).
Note that if you want to follow the marked circuit walk, you must walk some hundred meters along the beach off-trail.
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