
Voulgaris River

Lesvos  >  Greece

The Voulgaris River is a great spot to find autumn migrants, both in the river and the surrounding fields.

Añadido* por Bas Engels
Última actualización 2 diciembre 2023


The valley in which the Voulgaris River is located is very green, and can be great to look around for migrants during autumn migration. The river is used as breeding habitat by Tarro Canelo. During migration, the river can be packed with flocks of pipits, wagtails, flycatchers and warblers. The beaches provide some nice shrubs to check for migrants, like flocks of Mosquitero Musical and other songbirds.

The green agricultural fields east of the river are great to check for flocks of pipits, and if there are puddles made by sprinklers, even waders. Even Avefría Espinosa has been seen here.

The area also provides great views over sea to spot flocks of Pardela Mediterránea and gulls, like Gaviota Patiamarilla and even Gaviota de Audouin.



The area can be easily accessed by a road that leads towards the sea. You can park your car here (see map) and walk all the way towards the river mouth.

Terreno y habitat

Pradera , Llanura , Árboles y arbustos dispersos , Río , Playa


Montañoso , Arenoso , Plano , Paisaje abierto

Camino circular


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