
Petrified Forest

Lesvos  >  Greece

The Petrified Forest is a great spot to observe fossilized tree trunks, and search for typical inland breeding species.

Añadido* por Bas Engels
Última actualización 29 octubre 2023


The Petrified Forest is known for its large, some still standing, fossilized tree trunks. Although the opening hours can be somewhat vague, the road towards the park itself is already worth the drive. If you can enter the park (pay your ticket at the entrance), you can walk the park on multiple tracks that lead you next to many fossilized tree trunks. The area is home to several typical breeding species, like Roquero Solitario, Trepador Rupestre Occidental and Escribano Ceniciento. Several bushes and scattered trees are perfect for migrants, like chats, shrikes and flycatchers. Raptors can be seen overhead.



You can park your car at the parking lot, pay your ticket to enter the Petrified Forest, and several tracks take you around the area.

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