
Messolonghi Lagoons NP - Palaiopotamos

Agrinion  >  Greece

Easy accessible shallow lagoons that attract many species of birds. In the greater Messolongi area around 300 different bird species have been recorded.

Añadido* por Reinier g
Última actualización 23 julio 2021


The Messolonghi Lagoons NP are located in the north part of the Gulf of Patras in the central west coast of Greece. It is famous for its complex of wetlands which comprise six different interlinked lagoons. It is considered to be the biggest such ecosystem in Greece and one of the most important Mediterranean lagoons for breeding, passage and wintering waterbirds and raptors. It is a shallow area of 150 km2, extended between the Acheloos and Evinos rivers. In winter up to 80.000 waterbirds and waders were counted. The western lagoons of Palaiopotamos are easily accessible by car. You can spot birds from the car but also on foot. The wetlands hold Flamenco Común and Pelícano Ceñudo but also many other birds like Pagaza Piquirroja, Cormorán Pigmeo, Aguilucho Lagunero Occidental, Águila Pescadora, Gaviota Picofina, Chorlitejo patinegro, Cigüeñuela común, Avoceta Común, Chorlito Gris, Archibebe Común and rare birds like Avefría Espinosa or Críalo Europeo.



Messolongi is 243 km away from Athens. Driving there will take you less than three hours. Easy access by car. Also on foot. Next to the lagoon is a sandy beach.

Terreno y habitat

Humedal , Playa , Pisos de barro , Cañizos , Río



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Verano , Migración de primavera , Migración de otoño , Primavera


Camino pavimentado , Camino sin asfaltar

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A pie , Bicicleta , Coche

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