
Coastal Track - Achladeri

Lesvos  >  Greece

Between Achladeri and Skala Vasilikon, a nice coastal track is located with some great views over the bay.

Añadido* por Bas Engels
Última actualización 2 diciembre 2023


Just after passing Achladeri forest, a long coastal track leads you adjacent to the Gulf of Kalloni towards Skala Visilikon. This track doesn't provide a hotspot for birds, but it can be worth to stop and drive along this track. Several small spots can be good for migrants. Also, don't forget to check the wires and fences for shrikes and chats, like Alcaudón Chico. Usually, this area is also good to find Carraca Europea during migration.

The beaches and sea are good for gulls and terns, like Charrancito Común and Charrán Patinegro. Small numbers of Gaviota Cabecinegra can be seen here too. In winter, you can see Gaviota sombría and Zampullín Cuellinegro on the bay.

On the western side of the area, a small river streams into the bay, and several reedbeds are present. This is a good spot for migrating warblers, like Carricero Tordal.

The fields are also good for species like Alcaraván Común, larks, pipits and wagtails. Hunting harriers can be seen here too, like Aguilucho Cenizo and Aguilucho Lagunero Occidental.



There's a road between Achlederi and Skala Vasilikon. By stop and drive along this road, you can search the area while being underway to somewhere else.

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