
Alykes Wetlands

Lesvos  >  Greece

Alykes wetlands provides a beautiful mixture of open grasslands, seasonal pools, beaches and saltpans.

Añadido* por Bas Engels
Última actualización 26 octubre 2023


Alykes wetlands is located on the southeastern side of the Kalloni saltpans, and consists mostly of an open grassland with seasonal pools, beaches on the south and a great view over the eastern side of the saltpans. Especially during spring, the area is beautiful and the grasslands are green, wet and provide a great foraging area for species, like Bisbita Campestre, Terrera Común, Alcaraván Común, Canastera Común and Escribano Hortelano. Also, with a bit of luck, you can come accross Codorniz Común here.

The seasonal pools are great for waders, waterfowl, gulls, terns, storks, Morito Común and egrets. There can be many pools to check, so take your time!

The beaches are great for large flocks of gulls and terns. On the sea, groups of grebes, like Zampullín Cuellinegro, can be seen here during winter. Along the beach, scattered coastal bushes provide a great opportunity for Alzacola rojizo.

This area also provides a great view over the eastern part of the saltpans, although you need to look through the mesh of a chain link fence. Still, it can be worth the check, because birds tend to hang close to this fence. DON'T DISTURB THESE BIRDS, AND TAKE A SLOW PACE TOWARDS THE FENCE AT FIRST.



There's no path through the area, but you can walk along trails made by people or cattle. The area can be accessed by a concrete bridge. There's a small fence, blocking your path, but you can open it to enter the area. REMEMBER TO ALWAYS CLOSE THE FENCE. There are cattle, horses and donkeys in the area.

Terreno y habitat

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Plano , Arenoso , Paisaje abierto , Sin sombra , Pantanoso

Camino circular

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Otoño , Primavera

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Camino sin asfaltar , Camino estrecho

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