
NSG Wallnau

Schleswig-Holstein  >  Germany

One of the most important reserves for migratory birds in Germany. The nature reserve covers an area of just under 300 hectares.

Añadido* por Wolfgang Müller
Última actualización 28 abril 2023


NSG Wallnau (Wallnau Nature Reserve) lies on the west coast of the Baltic island of Fehmarn. The area houses the largest nature conservation centre of NABU (BirdLife) in Germany. The area has ponds, reed beds and extensive wet meadows as well as Baltic Sea beaches. The nature reserve is an important stopover for numerous migratory birds due to its favourable location on the Atlantic flyway. Over 270 species of birds have been recorded during migration. Around 100 species breed in the Wallnau area. Among the birds you can encounter in the area are Tarro Blanco, Serreta Mediana, Avoceta Común, Chorlitejo Grande, Combatiente, Zarapito Real, Archibebe Oscuro, Archibebe Común, Aguja Colinegra, Aguilucho Lagunero Occidental, Charrancito Común and Somormujo Cuellirrojo.



Nature Reserve Wallnau lies on the west coast of the Baltic island of Fehmarn. Click on the P in the map for directions. The nature reserve can be viewed at any time from a path on the crest of the summer dyke. You can make a circular walk around the area of 8 km. Inside the reserve is a shorter 1 km educational trail (Naturerlebnispfad) with several bird hides and an observation tower. The NABU information centre is open from March to October: entry € 10 (NABU-members free ) and houses an exhibition on bird migration and a small restaurant. The trail and bird hides are open all year.

Terreno y habitat

Humedal , Pradera , Cañizos , Mar


Paisaje abierto , Pantanoso

Camino circular

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Migración de primavera , Migración de otoño


Camino ancho , Camino estrecho

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