
Vulkangarten Steffeln

Eifel  >  Germany

The 'Vulkangarten' is formed by on old, inactive vulcano. The walk to the nature reserve is nice with views over the region and a small cliff.

Añadido* por Vincent Sanders
Última actualización 26 diciembre 2024


In Vulkangarten Steffeln you can see Búho Real on top of the cliffs. This is also a nesting place for this species. Around spring and summer there is a possibility to see juvenile owls. When looking over the valley you can see and hear Milano Real and Busardo ratonero.



You can park your car at the parking lot (Wanderparkplatz Vulkangarten) next to road. This parking lot is mentioned on several signs among the road near Steffeln. Click on the P in the map for directions. From the parking lot it is a short walk to the cliffs. If you like you can make a 10 km hike from here.

Terreno y habitat

Pradera , Montaña , Bosque


Montañoso , Seco , Rocoso

Camino circular

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Primavera , Verano

Mejor momento para visitar



Camino estrecho

Camino difícil de andar


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A pie

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