
Tister Bauernmoor

Niedersachsen  >  Germany

Large raised bog area of 570 hectares with a lot of Grulla Común during autumn migration.

Añadido* por Thomas Wagner
Última actualización 21 diciembre 2022


The Tister Bauernmoor is an area of raised bog. Much of the moor was used for industrial peat-cutting. The northern part of the moor was converted to pasture, but is no longer farmed. In order to renaturalise the area about a third of the nature reserve was re-flooded. The areas that were overgrown with pines were cleared. The Grulla Común has resettled in the area and now breeds here. In late autumn several thousand rest on the moor before flying on to their winter quarters. Some Grulla Común even stay the winter and some stay all year. The area also features a lot of water birds (ducks and geese), as well as birds of prey, such as Pigargo Europeo.



Large parking off the main road. Click on the P in the map to get directions. There are paths to explore the area and a raised boardwalk makes it possible to enter the wetter parts.

Terreno y habitat

Bosque , Humedal , Brezales



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