
NSG Kleine Lummersbach

Hessen  >  Germany

Kleine Lummersbach near Cyriaxweimar is a small protected area in the west of Marburg. It is also FFH-status area and consists of forest and grasslands.

Añadido* por Paul Poletajew
Última actualización 7 agosto 2021
Este birdingplace aún no ha sido calificado. Sea el primero en calificar con 1 a 5 estrellas


Kleine Lummersbach is a beautiful area, where you can also take a nice walk and spot mainly locally common birds. Still this former military training area is uncommon for the region around Marburg due to its mixture of shrubs and relatively dry grasslands, little beech forests and also some ponds.



Kleine Lummersbach is easily accessible by car and bike. There are parking spaces right next to the road. The next busstop is in Cyriaxweimar that is acceptably serviced by busses from Marburg. There are well maintained paths that lead through the area. The circular walk shown on the map is 4 km.

Terreno y habitat

Bosque , Agricultura , Árboles y arbustos dispersos , Pradera


Montañoso , Paisaje abierto

Camino circular

¿Se necesita telescopio?


Buena época para el avistamiento de aves

Primavera , Verano

Mejor momento para visitar

Verano , Primavera


Camino ancho , Camino sin asfaltar

Camino difícil de andar


Accesible vía

A pie , Bicicleta

Escondite de observación / plataforma


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