
Horumersiel - Crildumersiel

Niedersachsen  >  Germany

The Wadden Sea coast between Horumersiel and Crildumersiel may host only small patches of salt marsh, many different bird species can be observed in the area.

Añadido* por Andreas Michalik
Última actualización 29 enero 2022


The coastal section of Horumersiel are Crildumersiel is rich in water birds and waders. Every year, many Barnacla Carinegra can be seen northeast of the port of Horumersiel. Éider común can be located in the harbour itself, while on the stone walls outside the harbour at high tide Vuelvepiedras Común and various gull species rest. During storms this place might be very useful for seewatching as such sheartwaters, skuas and Gaviota de Sabine have already bin observed although it is hardly practiced so far. The best place is sitting in shelter of the harbour pier. During bird migration, many Correlimos Común, Chorlitejo Grande and Archibebe Común can be observed, which gather shortly after flooding on the free-falling mudflats just south of the harbour. East of the harbour, individual Colimbo Chico and Serreta Mediana can be discovered in winter. The inland depression southwest of the port is interesting all year round. Various species of ducks can be seen here, as well as Serreta Grande in winter. During high tide there are often large groups of Zarapito Real and Silbón Europeo right next to the main road. Crildumersiel, the small but easily visible flood rest area, is about three kilometers south. In addition to Archibebe Común and Archibebe Claro, Ostrero Euroasiático and Zarapito Real , this is a very good spot to see Zarapito Trinador from the dike. You can approach quite closely and they are used of tourists so it is worth to check the bird groups thoroughly in order to find rare species or colour-rings. It has a good list of rarities recorded with Gaviota de Audouin, Gaviota de Bonaparte , Correlimos Canelo , Andarríos del Terek, Vencejo Pálido being the best so far.



Easy parking near the harbour of Horumersiel. Click on the P in the map to get directions. From the parking you can walk along the Wadden Sea in the direction of Crildumersiel (3 km). Directly on the dike at Crildumersiel is a small but easily visible flood rest area. Note: For bird watching on the Wadden Sea the best time is about two hours before to two hours after high water.

Terreno y habitat

Pisos de barro , Mar


Paisaje abierto , Nivel del agua alto probable

Camino circular


¿Se necesita telescopio?

Buena época para el avistamiento de aves

Todo el año

Mejor momento para visitar

Migración de otoño , Migración de primavera


Camino pavimentado

Camino difícil de andar


Accesible vía

A pie , Bicicleta , Coche

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